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These classes use little to no equipment and are perfect for days when you just want to get in a good sweat! Using mostly body weight movements, these classes will allow you to build your endurance and get your heart pumping continuously.

Ball Sculpt

These classes will focus on building lean muscle while working the whole body. For most of the exercises you will be using a stability ball which will place emphasis on your core. These workouts are perfect to go at a slower pace and use moderate weights. Your muscles will be screaming from the inside out!


These classes will get your heart pumping and make you sweat! Using both no equipment and minimal equipment, you will be put through a circuit of exercises ranging in various timings. This workout is designed to work your heart and muscles giving you a maximal burn!

Full Body Strength Classes

These classes will build strength and endurance in your muscles and allow you to feel stronger! You will build lean muscle using upper and lower exercises with various pieces of equipment. Go at your own pace and gradually increase your weights. You can sub any piece of equipment for household items or go through the exercises without any.

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